Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome Alexavier

Okay so I suck at blogging. I think that's obvious. :) Here is my birthstory with Alexavier.

My Birth Story with Alexavier Joseph Yeater

Hmm where to start. I felt like “labor” started quite some time before I actually was “in labor”. For weeks before I went to the hospital I was having regular contractions about 20 minutes apart. Each week I had my doctor’s appointments and scheduled NST’s (Non-Stress Tests). Starting at 36 weeks we noticed my heart rate was quite high, and they kept me in Labor & Delivery after the appointment to observe me for 6 hours. The next two weeks my NST’s showed that the contractions were about 20 min apart, and over time got more intense. My doctor had said that because I was diabetic she wouldn’t let me be pregnant past my due date (10/24/08). So going in to the week of the 19th of October she called and said to bring all my stuff with me, and we would induce on Wednesday the 22nd of October. I go to the appointment with all intentions of going up to L&D afterward. My NST showed that I was having contractions 6-10 minutes apart. I go to the regular doctor’s appointment – and she says I am not going to be induced. She said that she didn’t think she needed to check me, because I didn’t “look like I was in labor”. So we head home… very mad! Mind you I had brought my mom up from Aberdeen (about 70 miles) to stay with JJ while I am in the hospital. So we drive the hour ride home, (still having contractions 6-10 minutes apart). I go grocery shopping with my Mom, make dinner and start to notice my contractions were a lot closer together. There were no more 10 minute intervals, they were every 5-6 minutes and getting stronger. We call L&D, explain what is going on, and they say “Weren’t you supposed to be induced today?” “YES! But my lame Dr. told me I had to wait, but I’m in Labor now so can I come in?”
Josh and I head out to the hospital at 11:30pm, get there at 12:20 and they set me up on another NST. It shows the contractions are now 6-7 minutes apart. They ask me to walk the hospital for at least an hour and a half to get the contractions closer together. So walking we do and boy are hospitals scary at night time. We come back to L&D and back on the NST machine. It’s to the point now that I am doing some serious breathing. Alexavier’s heart rate kept dipping, so they put us in to an observation room, gave me 2 shots of morphine and told me to get some rest. The morning crew comes in to tell me they want to give me pitocen to get the contractions started, and want to move me to a delivery suite. WOO HOO!! FINALLY! We move to the L&D room at about 8am, I eat breakfast and then they start me on the pitocen at about 9am. My contractions start going pretty quickly but I am able to get up and move around, so that was nice. I spent a lot of time on the “Labor Ball” and I guess that helped him move his way down the birth canal. At 3:37pm my water broke naturally, and by 4:30 I wanted the epidural. That’s when the problems started. I was given the epidural, and I guess with the combo of the pitocen and the epidural both mine and Alexavier’s heart rate and blood pressure dropped. I personally thought I was just taking a nap cause of the effect of the epidural; however I guess that wasn’t the case. I woke up to Josh holding my hand and asking me to pray with him, about 20 Dr’s and nurses in the room, and the anesthesiologist hovering over me giving me double shots of epinephrine. I didn’t really know what was going on, but everyone kept saying I was okay, and Alexavier was okay too. Finally the anesthesiologist said that I had a problem with my blood pressure. They stopped all the drugs. No epidural & no pitocen. Once the contractions got painful again they started the epidural again THANK GOD! So they gave me a button to up the epidural meds every 20 minutes. They kept the drip really low, but allowed me to have a button. Woo hoo! Things slowed down a bit, since they slowed down the pitocen, and although I was still laboring heavily, they kept checking me and did a couple of ultrasounds. They noticed that Alexavier was “sunnyside up”. Meaning his face was facing my tummy instead of my back. This freaked me out, because I was really scared of a c-section. We tried different positions to get him to turn over, but he’s a stubborn little guy and wouldn’t move. The doctors decided that it was best for everyone for me to have a c-section. I was not happy, but wanted to do what was best for the baby. So they wheel me into the Operating Room at about 10:15. Josh comes in a few minutes later all scrubbed up and ready to hold my hand. The whole time I am trying not to cry, thinking something is really wrong. So as they get me ready to go, they check me one last time and Alexavier has turned over! So they told me to push I pushed about 6 times and it hurt SO BAD cause the epidural definetly wasn’t as strong as with JJ. But out came the baby! I had 2 nurses and Josh holding my legs for me, and another one pushing on my stomach. I was freaked out but he was a very healthy little guy. I guess on the last push they noticed his little hand trying to come out first, so they had to push it back in… and then his head came out. But besides that it was not that bad. I got to hold him right away, and they took us back to the normal labor & delivery room. We stayed down there for about 1.5 hours. He got his first bath after I breast fed him and had to lay under the warming lights a bit cause he was shivering a lot. They said his base temperature was low, (it was 98.0). Finally I got to eat something. So it was all day with no food but it was worth it. J We got sent upstairs to the recovery room. We spent 2 days there and finally got to go home with our little guy.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

8-14-08 - BUNK APPT

Today I had a dr's appointment. Today I learned that my second doctor is no longer my doctor. Today I became very pissy and mad at the world. WHY do I have to go through 3 doctors during my pregnancy? Why can't I just have someone stick with me? I would like to have a "connection" with my doctor, but being that I dont even know what her name is, I wouldn't have any "connection". My appointment went something like this.

Weight check - Up 4 lbs
Blood Pressure
Asked if I had any pain - said yes and rated it at a 5
Drank Glucola for my second glucose screening
Peed in a cup
Dr came in -said cheerely - "BY the way... did anyone tell you I was leaving? Sorry!" She's pregnant and wearing high heel shoes to work... whatever

Anyway she didn't even look at my chart to talk about the pain I told the nurse about or anything! She asked questions about things she would have known the answer to if she had read my chart. She said... "well since you haven't had any contractions yet looks like all is well..." HELLO!! I called 2 times last week cause of contractions.

I told her about that and she goes... oh well sounds like everything is normal. NORMAL! You call not being able to walk more than ten yard without sitting down NORMAL!?! If that's normal than I must have had a pretty f'ing amazing first pregnancy!

JJ went with us to the appointment - which was fine. He was being pretty good the whole time, until we had to wait for the blood draw - then it was not so easy. Afterward he RAN out of the blood draw area and Josh had to take off after him. He doesn't get that he HAS to stay with us.

It's like 90 degree's outside. I have my A/C on, but as soon as the air stops blowing I start sweating. I am getting frusturated with everything right now and am not able to handle the pressure for some reason.

Baby time is coming up soon and I just don't feel that I am ready.... emotionally, physically or in reality. I need to do an overhaul of the house, which will get done not this weekend but next, and am ready to just get all the clutter and junk out. My carpets need a good cleaning (will happen AFTER next weekend) and I still am waiting for the crib/carseat. I know I'll get them before Alexavier comes, but I'm starting to stress a bit about that.

Babyshower for friends and family is on Saturday, that should be fun although it's causing a bit of stress as well. I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm kinda the one that is organizing it. Latara is helping me go shopping tomorrow, which is cool.... I'll update about the shower after it happens. I am pretty excited to have some of my good friends and family around. I wish my sister Emily would answer the phone so I could pick her up tomorrow to spend the night, but she hasn't answered for me in a long time.

Okay... enough blabing - TTYL I'm gonna try to "rest"... although I can't get any kind of comfortable and want to rip my hair out ... :)

Peace Out

Friday, August 8, 2008


Hi all! It's been a few weeks since I have posted, sorry. I've been definetly feeling the side effects of pregnancy. Tired, emotional, tired, :). Besides that things are going as smoothly as possible. So far so good with the Diabetes stuff. My only big problem was that I started to have contractions yesterday, about 4 an hour... or every 15 minutes or so. The nurse told me that if it gets to 6 or more an hour I have to go into labor & delivery. UGH!! So I have been taking it as easy as possible, and trying to stay off of my feet. Also she told me to drink more water. So there you go. I'm huge now. I might have someone take a pic of me so I can post it later.

Just think good thoughts and all will be fine.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Airshow Pics from 7/19/08

Click to play Pics from the air show on Sat 7/19/08
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I got pretty tired today, but it was a lot of fun. The first airshow at McChord Air Force Base since 2005. My first one ever, and JJ's. He loved it!

Friday, July 18, 2008


So I went to the doctor on Thursday - I'm up to a whopping 170lbs! Besides that everything is relativly normal. My iron levels are low, so I have to bump up the Iron, and so far I have no diabetes... woo hoo... but another test will be done in a few weeks, just to be on the safe side. Baby is getting big, so far all of the different things say he is about 13.5 inches long, and about 2lbs. Once I get to work on Monday I will scan the new pics of Alexavier and I will post them.

Our baby shower is coming up on August 16th, should be pretty fun. Co-Ed Barbque at Steel Lake. Let me know if you are interested in coming.

I just realized I have about 14 weeks left, well I'm hoping about 12... :) and am not prepared at all. I mean if the baby came now we pretty much have nothing. So hopefully babyshowers will help that situation.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


It's a Boy  It's a Girl  I'm Expecting MySpace Graphics
We found out we are having another little boy! His name is going to be Alexavier Joseph Yeater. :) I was not shocked at all, being that I really thought it was a boy.
Here are a couple of the ultrasounds we got to bring home. The first one is a profile shot of his face, and hand at his mouth - possibly sucking his thumb.


The next one is of his foot - and his other leg on the side.


JJ went with us to the ultrasound, and said some of the funniest stuff. He understood that the doctor was taking pictures of the baby through my tummy, and kept saying "hi" to it.
Then, when "Natalie", the ultrasound tech, said that we were having a boy, and that JJ would have a little brother - you should have heard what he said back! "NO I'M NOT!"..."I'm having a sister, and her name is Savannah!". We were all laughing pretty hard at that, but by the time we got home he was all for having a baby brother.
Every night he kisses my tummy, and says goodnight to the baby.
I hit the half way mark this week!!! Woo HOO!!! Now it's a countdown! I started online registries at both and I have to add a couple little things, but am mostly done with it. Next weekend we start cleaning out JJ's room, and orgnanizing the closets etc. I think it's harder to get organized with a 3 year old following me around, undoing everything I do... so any suggestions would be great.
Yesterday I said I was going to do something I wanted to do, and didn't "have" to do, so I started a blanket for the baby. It's really cute - I'll post pictures when I get done.
Besides that I am still working full time, and started a candle company on the side. My website is Let me know if you like the looks of anything!
That's all I can update!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Hi all! I have not posted in quite some time. I guess I should put a reminder on my calendar to post. SORRY! Okay so let's see what is new in my crazy world.

I am now in my 18th week, which is great almost half way through this pregnancy. WOO HOO! I have been battling a sinus infection that kept me out of work for two days last Friday and Monday. In that time from Thursday (At My Dr's Appt) I lost two lbs. Not good, but not bad either. So last Thursday I got to meet my new Dr, as my original Dr, Dr Fox, had her baby and is no longer practicing. My new one is named Maggie Aliabadi. She isn't an actual doctor, she's a Registered Nurse Practitioner. She can do everything a OB can do except deliver the baby. That is fine by me. So at that appointment I weighed 156, (about the same weight I started at being prego) and had normal blood pressure. We got to hear the baby's hear beat - something we hadn't gotten to hear yet. On Tuesday I called the dr's office because my urine was a redish color. I went in on Wednesday and they did a culture on my urine. Turns out I have some extra protiens in there, and am very dehyrdated. I have been drinking LOTS of water/cranberry juice and trying to keep as much food down as possible. I'm not too hungry with this infection I have, but I'm trying. They just told me to keep them updated if it is still like that in a week.

I go in next for THE ULTRASOUND (you know, the one to find out what I'm having....) on 6/3. WOO HOO! At that time I also have to give blood & urine, no regular visit with the Maggie until 6/19. I've been very tired lately - probably due to the sinus infection, and also just worn down. I am trying to get as much rest as possible, but with a three year old it seems impossible.

JJ is good, starting to have a cold/allergies - we arent' sure which yet. He got to stay home with Dad today. Something he might get to do more often soon, depending on if Josh's LNI stuff ever comes into play or not. It's Friday before a three day weekend, so that makes me a happy camper. (No no camping this weekend for us... :( sad!)

That's all folks!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


4/29/08 - UPDATE!

FYI... In case you didn't know, we have the smartest, brightest, most AWESOME little boy. I was watching TV, and he was singing.... normal songs that he usually sings at school. Then, all of a sudden - he busts out with "What a Wonderful World".... with SIGN LANGUAGE!!! My son, only 3 years, 6 months old... knew sign language to a song! I started doing it with him, and he had to correct my signs! Oh I love him! Every few days they teach a new song, and he comes home and sings it, so this doesn't totally surprise me, except the fact he could sign it too. I know the preschool is getting ready for graduation next month, so maybe they are preparing for that. JJ still will go there another year, until it's time for kindergarten. Can't believe he is almost ready to go to school.

As for baby in the tummy, he/she is fine, moving around already. I can feel him/her but only at night. I've been busy with work and at home life, so I tire really easily and am hungry all the time. Check out my preggo pics of me at 14 weeks! I'm huge!

Josh Sr got hurt at work, and is probably going to have surgery on his shoulder. His doctor ordered him not to work until further notice. Kinda sucky, but he is in a lot of pain too... so better to be on the safe side.

ME?!? I'm battling a major migraine today. It's kinda going away... but not really. The only thing I haven't tried to do to make it better is drink a COKE! I am tempted...but we'll see. I think that's it. Just getting huge as usual!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am now 13 weeks. Woo Hoo. Goodbye 1st Trimester, HELLO 2nd!

I went to the dr on Thursday and got to see our little bean. He/She isn't too little anymore. Well in comparison to the first ultrasound. So during the appointment I found out I gained 6lbs.... in one month, but that's okay cause durring the first month I lost 8lbs. So I guess it evens out. Baby's heart rate is at 139 beats per minute, down from 160 at the first appt, and is about 3 inches long from crown to rump. He/She likes to jump around in there a lot! I saw it move around so much. Josh didn't get to make it to that appointment, he was really upset, but he is going to try to make the next one.

I've been having really bad headaches, and my legs & hips still hurt so bad! :*( Oh well, joys of pregnancy!

JJ is starting to get that he's going to have a brother or sister, and he gives my tummy kisses. What a cute little guy! That's all for now!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So today is tax day. A lot of people are scrambling to get there taxes done... not us! We did it back in Febuary! :) GO Yeaters! :) No Just kidding, hope everyone gets/got theirs done!

The last two to three days I have been super cranky. Just bitchy and mean. I have been mean to Josh, and I know he has to hate me by now. I would. I am going to really try to stop being so cranky. (That's what I am calling my episodes.)

My knees are really hurting by the end of the day. The more I walk, the more they hurt. Besides that I seem to have a bit more energy, and no more puking! So that's a plus. :)

Work has been really busy lately, which just drains me. I wish there were more hours in the day (to sleep of course!) JJ also really likes to "Help" which usually results in more work for us to clean up... I think that's all we ever do, clean! Clean, work, cook, sleep, work, clean sleep... the never ending cycle!

Great, now I have to go cook dinner... see what I mean?

Thursday, April 10, 2008


My tiredness just wont go away. It really doesn't matter if I sleep 15,000 hours, or 6. I feel the same. TIRED! I just wish I could make it go away. I know that sometimes it get's easier starting in the second trimester, and I think... I'm not too far away from that point. Woo Hoo! Fatness here I came! It's funny, I think I'm Fat. I look at myself and say... gosh.... your fat! I know i'm not really "fat". Just gaining weight. I would rather look totally prego, then what I look like now! My face is breaking out, and my legs hurt all the time. I have cut out a lot of my sodium, but my feet still are getting swollen already! What am I gonna be like when I am like 8 months along?!?! UGH!

I'm not sure if I was correct or not, but I think the other day I felt the baby move! On Tuesday! I was in the bath, and my tummy was just fluttering! It was the most awesome thing. Well I am going to get ready for work now. Til next time!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Okay so I LOVE being prego, I just HATE that my leg's won't stay awake! It is getting super annoying and starting to get in the way of my daily life. I read that it's normal, and my dr said the same thing, I am just TIRED of it!

So I was playing around today... and made this!

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Wow... two post's in one day! WHAT!?!! Got ahold of the dr, things are all good, at least we think so. I guess I am just stretching... and it hurts! Anyhow, Just wanted to let you (blogger) know that. :) ha ha...


So I am calling the doctor. I have been having this ache in my left side for about a day now. I can't really say what it is, as I have no idea myself, maybe they wont have me come in... who knows. But I do know that I am a little nervous. I am trying to just say it's growing pains or something, but I only feel it when I am walking. When I am sitting I have no real problem. I dont even think anyone read's this, which is totally cool... I just needed somewhere to get this out so maybe I wont stress as much.

Okay gonna call now.

Monday, March 31, 2008

In my 11th Week

I had my first appointment about a week ago, and all is well. I got to have a ultrasound at my first appointment (not very common) cuase I was spotting when I got to the dr. Come to find out that it is normal, and I just had some blood vessel's that were enlarged due to my raging hormones! Besides that I found out I lost 9lbs since I got prego, and am due to go back to the dr on 4/17 for some new test that they do regarding measuring the spinal cord of the baby with an ultrasound and then some blood work.

This pregnancy seems to be flying by! Not that I am super excited about that, being prego is something I love, and enjoy. Although I know I complain about certain things a lot. Being pregnant while having a three year old is totally different than when I was prego the first time. No extra time to relax and all that. I am trying to get used to being tired all the time... but it's not working! Speaking of working... I get tired at work by say 3:00 and am ready to pass out by 4:30. I know I'm not a "joy" when I get home all the time, but hopefully that will change after my first trimester is over. Okay well I'm gonna run!

More to come later.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome to my first POST!


Hey all! I am new to Blogger... and thought I would try it out. So About a month ago I found out I am PREGNANT! We are very excited, as we wanted at least one more baby. Now that that is in the works, I do have to say it is harder than with my son. Having a 3 year old to take care of, and work full time, AND have a long commute sure does take all my energy. I am ready to go to bed by the time I get home. My house looks like a disaster, and I have no energy to do anything about it. My first Dr's appt is tomorrow, which I have been patiently waiting for. I am going to the same dr as I did with JJ, so she has my prior pregnancy history. Josh can't go with me, :( I know he's upset about it. But I told him I'd write EVERYTHING down, and try to take a recording of the heartbeat for him.

Let's see... symptoms that are driving me nuts right now? Hmmm well I would say morning sickness... but it's been since last Friday since I threw up! WOO HOO! So now it's just tiredness, and me being overly emotional.

This weekend is Easter. We are going down to Aberdeen to spend it with my Mom & Pete. After that on Sunday we are meeting up with Josh's Mom, who's only in town for one day, to have dinner in Tacoma somewhere. Seems to me like I wont get too much rest THIS weekend.
