Monday, March 31, 2008

In my 11th Week

I had my first appointment about a week ago, and all is well. I got to have a ultrasound at my first appointment (not very common) cuase I was spotting when I got to the dr. Come to find out that it is normal, and I just had some blood vessel's that were enlarged due to my raging hormones! Besides that I found out I lost 9lbs since I got prego, and am due to go back to the dr on 4/17 for some new test that they do regarding measuring the spinal cord of the baby with an ultrasound and then some blood work.

This pregnancy seems to be flying by! Not that I am super excited about that, being prego is something I love, and enjoy. Although I know I complain about certain things a lot. Being pregnant while having a three year old is totally different than when I was prego the first time. No extra time to relax and all that. I am trying to get used to being tired all the time... but it's not working! Speaking of working... I get tired at work by say 3:00 and am ready to pass out by 4:30. I know I'm not a "joy" when I get home all the time, but hopefully that will change after my first trimester is over. Okay well I'm gonna run!

More to come later.

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