Saturday, April 19, 2008


I am now 13 weeks. Woo Hoo. Goodbye 1st Trimester, HELLO 2nd!

I went to the dr on Thursday and got to see our little bean. He/She isn't too little anymore. Well in comparison to the first ultrasound. So during the appointment I found out I gained 6lbs.... in one month, but that's okay cause durring the first month I lost 8lbs. So I guess it evens out. Baby's heart rate is at 139 beats per minute, down from 160 at the first appt, and is about 3 inches long from crown to rump. He/She likes to jump around in there a lot! I saw it move around so much. Josh didn't get to make it to that appointment, he was really upset, but he is going to try to make the next one.

I've been having really bad headaches, and my legs & hips still hurt so bad! :*( Oh well, joys of pregnancy!

JJ is starting to get that he's going to have a brother or sister, and he gives my tummy kisses. What a cute little guy! That's all for now!

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