Saturday, August 29, 2009

You can be hurt many ways... by many different people. 
Sometimes it hurts a little and sometimes it hurts a lot. 
Sometimes people don't realize the things you gave up, the things you had to put up with. Sometimes you wonder if they even KNOW. It hurts when people talk behind your back. It hurts when they lie to your face. It hurts when you love someone, but they are doing so wrong in life, that they wont even speak to you. I am not here to judge. I am here as a human being. Humans should not judge each other. I am allowed my opinions, as everybody is. It hurts that I can't express my true feelings without everyone being upset with me. I know I am an emotional person. That's just who I am... Emotional, caring, and honest. Being hurt and depressed sucks. So for now, I'm cutting out the people that are doing this. I am focusing on Christ. I know that he will accept me for who I am, love me, and watch over me. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Long time no blog...

Wow, okay it's been 9 months since I've posted! I'm now a crafty stay at home mom, looking for a job, but enjoying my time with my family while I look. This recession has given me some time to do some sewing, painting, and  general crafting!  I love being able to watch my kids learn new things, and have been teaching Joshua so many things. He's pretty much ready for Kindergarten, but can't start until next year due to his birthday! Alexavier is getting so big! Driving me nuts as he explores and makes me put more and more stuff "away" until he understands the word "No"! I promise I will post more, probably daily really. What else do I have to do? (Yeah Right!) 

Took Alex to the Dr today... he's a whopping 23lbs! No shots, just fluoride on his teeth which I have never heard of before, but hey what do I know. The Dr even gave him a peek-a-boo puppy book.  I would strongly recommend the CCMC at Mary Bridge for any of you Tacoma Mama's looking for a new Dr. They are GREAT with the kids! 

Joshua's birthday is coming up, and he wants his party at Chuck E Cheese. That being said, his party is going to be scaled down this year, about 7 kids instead of the usual 15 or so.  It will be fun. There are certain adults he has requested to be there, which I think is so cute. I'll be sending out e-vites later this week. He has told me about 1000 things he wants for his birthday. I keep reminding him it isn't Christmas! Just a few of the things he has mentioned... Nerf guns, blendy pens, Lego Indiana Jones, Space Legos. You name it, he wants it. Oh and big stuff too, and R/C Boat, Tank, Truck, AND Car! 

Hubby is getting better. He's in PT now has some mobility back in his shoulder, so that's good. This time we have been able to spend together has made our relationship so strong. This is our 11th year together this October. I think a weekend away is in order. 

For now I'm done. I am getting ready for a trip to Pt Defiance Park. We are having snacks and letting JJ run around. I think it wont be long until Alex can do the same!!