Friday, January 22, 2010

Sleep,or the lack there of..

It seems that as I  have gotten older, I have a harder and harder time sleeping. If it isn't my 5 year old not wanting to GO to bed, (hence keeping me up late) it's my 1 year old waking up and wanting to sleep in the bed with us. Today however, I woke up on my own, around 5:30 am and couldn't for the life of me go back to sleep. So I thought I would blog.  been a few months since I posted anything. I know I've said it before, but I really do want to get this blogging thing going on a regular basis.

The last week has been a crazy one at my house. Both the hubby and I had what we thought was Food Poisoning.  The said food poisoning lasted a lot longer for me than Josh, so now I think it was maybe the flu. I hope that anyone I came in contact with stays healthy! I wouldn't wish that on anyone!

Today is going to be laundry day. Hubby and I are having a "get-a-way" to Tukwila and the Larkspur Landing tomorrow evening. WOO HOO!!! Maybe not having the kiddos with me will allow me to get some kind of real rest!! Plus I get to sleep in! YAY! Thanks Latara for keeping the boys overnight for me! I'll post more about our get away when we get back.

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