Saturday, July 19, 2008

Airshow Pics from 7/19/08

Click to play Pics from the air show on Sat 7/19/08
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I got pretty tired today, but it was a lot of fun. The first airshow at McChord Air Force Base since 2005. My first one ever, and JJ's. He loved it!

Friday, July 18, 2008


So I went to the doctor on Thursday - I'm up to a whopping 170lbs! Besides that everything is relativly normal. My iron levels are low, so I have to bump up the Iron, and so far I have no diabetes... woo hoo... but another test will be done in a few weeks, just to be on the safe side. Baby is getting big, so far all of the different things say he is about 13.5 inches long, and about 2lbs. Once I get to work on Monday I will scan the new pics of Alexavier and I will post them.

Our baby shower is coming up on August 16th, should be pretty fun. Co-Ed Barbque at Steel Lake. Let me know if you are interested in coming.

I just realized I have about 14 weeks left, well I'm hoping about 12... :) and am not prepared at all. I mean if the baby came now we pretty much have nothing. So hopefully babyshowers will help that situation.