We found out we are having another little boy! His name is going to be Alexavier Joseph Yeater. :) I was not shocked at all, being that I really thought it was a boy.
Here are a couple of the ultrasounds we got to bring home. The first one is a profile shot of his face, and hand at his mouth - possibly sucking his thumb.
The next one is of his foot - and his other leg on the side.
JJ went with us to the ultrasound, and said some of the funniest stuff. He understood that the doctor was taking pictures of the baby through my tummy, and kept saying "hi" to it.
Then, when "Natalie", the ultrasound tech, said that we were having a boy, and that JJ would have a little brother - you should have heard what he said back! "NO I'M NOT!"..."I'm having a sister, and her name is Savannah!". We were all laughing pretty hard at that, but by the time we got home he was all for having a baby brother.
Every night he kisses my tummy, and says goodnight to the baby.
I hit the half way mark this week!!! Woo HOO!!! Now it's a countdown! I started online registries at both Target.com and BabiesRUs.com I have to add a couple little things, but am mostly done with it. Next weekend we start cleaning out JJ's room, and orgnanizing the closets etc. I think it's harder to get organized with a 3 year old following me around, undoing everything I do... so any suggestions would be great.
Yesterday I said I was going to do something I wanted to do, and didn't "have" to do, so I started a blanket for the baby. It's really cute - I'll post pictures when I get done.
Besides that I am still working full time, and started a candle company on the side. My website is http://www.diamondcreekcandles.com/consultants/uid/awillson Let me know if you like the looks of anything!
That's all I can update!